Drafting of International Standards for the Use of Digital Identity in Financial Services

Challenge An international industry standards-setting organisation needed to offer comprehensive guidance on the use of digital identity in digital financial services. This was in accordance with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #16—the creation of effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels—which includes a requirement to provide legal identity for all by 2030.

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Comprehensive Analytics to Transform Balance Sheet Risk Management

Challenge A second-tier bank with a strong multichannel platform that was focused on the mid- to low-income retail and SME market enjoyed a decade of rapid growth during a buoyant economy. While the bank’s credit and market risk management capabilities successfully kept pace with its expansion, its efforts to manage interest rate risk, liquidity, and profitability resulted in divisionally siloed solutions: a clear vulnerability as it entered a more uncertain period for economic growth and interest rates.

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Requirements, Design & Procurement Oversight for a Real-time Micropayments System

Challenge A South Asian government was seeking to bolster formal financial inclusion and digital service offerings for small players. To that end, the state bank, in collaboration with two international development institutions, planned to launch a high-volume micropayments gateway, in the understanding that any such platform would have to adhere to the strict guidelines of governance, interoperability, and inclusion required by the donor partners.

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Regulatory Framework for Digital Financial Services, including Remittances

Challenge A country in southwest Asia wanted to improve access to financial services for both citizens and for a significant refugee population. Concerns about inclusion and efficiency, along with the important role of cross-border remittances, indicated that digital financial services would offer the best solution. To enable the roll-out of DFS, the country’s central bank—backed financially and technically by two international development institutions—required the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework.

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